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After School Programs

Community for Learning

21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) is an out of school time program offered free of charge through a federal grant administered by the New Mexico Public Education Department. Community For Learning (CFL) is very fortunate to have been awarded this grant and will be providing an after-school time program at Hodgin Elementary School. CFL’s after school program is referred to as Project SEAL which stands for social, emotional, and academic learning.

Program begins when school ends, and lasts until 6:00 pm Monday-Friday. For additional information contact Mike C de Baca at 505-242-3353. To register, visit the NMCFL website.

Grant Requirements

  • Family surveys twice a year
  • Student & Family Engagement nights
  • Grant requirements allow up to 85 students
  • Space is limited and on a first come first serve basis
  • Your child must attend a minimum of 3 days a week 2 hours a day

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program

Vision Statement

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program at Hodgin Elementary School strives to create an accessible environment for social, emotional, and academic success in order to support students in reaching their highest potential.


In order to attend the DHH Program, a child must be eligible for Special Education services and have a documented hearing loss.

Program Overview

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) Program serves Kindergarten through 5th grade students who have a mild to profound hearing loss. We provide direct instruction through American Sign Language, spoken language, or a combination of the two.

Learn More About the Program